Jan 21, 2005 02:03
[Upstairs, in the room that Hotaru and Edward share:]
The door to the room opens without much effort, revealing a medium-sized room.
There are bunk beds off to the right, and a window, reminiscent of that on a space port, next to the top bunk. A small table to the left side contains a laptop.
The room is quite empty, otherwise.
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What has happened, that you would send for me?
His voice is short tempered with worry. Obvious worry.
"I know no other Healer."
I might try to aid her, then, but ...
*She looks at Arithon, meeting his eyes directly for perhaps the first time since ... Meara.*
That which is within her. It is still bound?
He nods, and realizes that Moiraine probably isn't going to do anything if he leaves. And may not if he stays. His eyes, bright, bright green, are understanding.
And fearfully worried. He likes Hotaru. She's one of the few (four) people he does like.
Duty is heavier than a mountain. She sighs, and moves to Hotaru's side, looking down at her.*
Can you tell me anything more about what happened before she collapsed?
Is the quiet response, and then;
"I will remain, if you so will it, to keep the demon from breaking free if it has a chance at that."
Since you were the one to bind it, then perhaps that might be a good idea, if it might break free. *Her tone is even, almost too even, and strained.* But I shall... I shall do what I can for her.
*A golden glow surrounds her then, and very slowly, Moiraine reaches out to the small girl lying on the bed and lays a hand on her forehead. Silver threads of light spin into existence above Hotaru and the Aes Sedai and drift over the girl, searching, delving. Moiraine's eyes close, and her breathing slows just slightly, and evens.*
It is strange; there is something about her that is not alive, not flesh and blood and bone, but I cannot tell if it harms her. There is no injury besides, only exhaustion, and that I can aid to some degree.
*She places one hand on each side of Hotaru's head and channels quickly, washing away the girl's fatigue. Moiraine steps back very quickly, then, and allows the glow around her to fade. She turns to Arithon, and her tone is neutral and calm.*
I have done what I might.
He states, and moves away from the door in as wide a circle from her as possible. He also, and this may or may not offend her, offers a small stack of gold.
Do not. I will not accept it. It is something that I ... had to do.
Her eyes flutter open.
She is, first, surprised to find herself prone.
She is, second, surprised to hear two, and only two familiar voices, whereever she is.
And speaking of that - "Wh... where am I?"
She grasps up to her throat in a panicked motion, then sits up as fast as she can manage.
"What happened?" she asks, urgently.
"You collapsed, e'alith ka."
He states it quietly, and watches her from a position on the wall a distance away;
"I brought you here, and the Lady Moiraine checked you for harm."
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