Okay, so I was looking at my journal and finding that I haven't really properly updated in quite some time. I shall do that now in bullet points and end with some photos cause you all know that's what you come here for!
- My contract was renewed for another school year. I apparently was on the bottom of the barrel, however, my directing skills saved me. God bless Seussical. I'm also going to be the only drama teacher next year, so yay for that. I don't like the power stuggles that went on this year. Whenever they hire a new one I'll be firmly entrenched as the main theatre director.
- Speaking of my directoral awesomeness... 5 of my kids were nominated for Blazing Star awards. Blazing Stars are like the Tony's of my local area. The other high school in my district... the one with a frickin awesome theatre and decent sized staff only got 2 nominations. The only schools with more nominations than us were schools with VERY large programs as well as associated with the theatre company that runs the awards. Not so shabby for my first time ever directing a musical. The actual ceremony was Friday night. We didn't get anything. However, I'm still happy with things because the schools who got the awards had multiple directors and advisors... Me? Not so much.
- Still on the topic of theatre, I took 7 of my kids to thespian state competition last weekend/week. I'm happy to say that we did quite well. It was wonderful validation of my directorial instincts. Everything that I had a chance to change the judges loved. Lessons were thankfully learned by my students. Biggest lesson learned: You can't just not rehearse something and expect to do well. Life lesson learned: There really is no I in team, nor troupe. It was super fun and I left brimming with ideas and absolutely exhausted. I'm quite proud of myself that we all emerged unscathed and alive. For funsies put that many actors around each other and just sit back and watch the sparks fly.
- I start classes Monday for what hopefully will be my last semester in the EPI program. I should emerge triumphant with my complete certification to teach. I'm really anxious about the first 4 weeks. The last day of teaching for me is 3 weeks after my classes begin. :/
- Lorelai is doing wonderfully. Three is definitely a challenging age. Her behavior drives me up a wall on a fairly consistant basis, however, the cute makes up for it most of the time. ;)
- In doing research for one of my classes I've found that she's quite advanced for her age. Her reasoning skills are off of the charts. My favorite example so far is her claiming the moon looks like a chrysalis. Seriously child? Not going to lie, I'm totally thrilled about it all. That being said she definitely keeps me on my toes and argues her point WAY too well most times. ;)
- She's loving her dance group. Every week she keeps asking when she gets to go to class or to a show. She's actually doing most of the dances now instead of just singing. Miss Lorelai LOVES to sing. She knows WAY too many lyrics at this age. ;)
- Her current obsession is Annie. I swear I've watched/listened to it at least 500 times over the past month. She's learned like 60% of the dances at this point just by watching. LOL. I love it when she does Little Girls. A 3 year old Ms. Hannigan is frickin hilarious.
- The end of the year show and tour is coming up. Not going to lie. I'm a bit concerned about tour. It's hectic. It was hectic as a teenager when I was in it. I'm worried about all of the little one's sanity. I don't want to waste the extra money, but I'm considering driving behind the bus so that if Lorelai needs a nap I can give her one. I'm super excited about the end of the year show. Not only is it Ms. L's first end of the year show, it's also the first ever alumni show... which means I get to perform. First words out of my mouth when I found out was to ask if I could sing. I've got a bad need for some stage time of my own. LOL.
- I ended up getting the new car. It's a 2005 Kia Sorrento. I love it to death. However, I'm still worried about finances. Apparently the lender still isn't 100% sure of financing me, so there still is a small chance that I'll lose it. I still kick myself for screwing up my money to the point of bankruptcy. It's killing me now.
- Oh, and I'm finally losing weight. YAY!!! I don't know if it's the Adderall or my attempts to eat better, but I've lost about 20ish lbs in the past month. Still nowhere near where I need to be, but it's a nice start. One would think that 20 lbs would be drastic clothing wise, but it's not. However, my pants fall off quite regularly and I FINALLY went down a band size in bra land. I'm almost back in "normal" sizes with my top half. Thank frickin god. I really want to start swimming laps, but I don't know how I can fit it in my schedule.
So yeah, I know I promised pictures, but I rambled on longer than expected. I'll do that later. ;)