Feb 13, 2007 20:37

Character: Huang Yue Ying
Series: Kessen 2
Character Age: Looks (and acts) to be in her teens. Apper estimates her age in the 16~19 year range.
Canon: Kessen 2 is known as gripping tale about magic, loyalty, betrayal, tits, and a man who will risk everything and go against Heaven for love. Or rather, "That game that doesn't actually have much to do with the Three Kingdoms Era of Chinese History, even though it's set there."

In this tale, Huang Yue Ying plays the role of the mad scientist, whose sole purpose is to dispense weapons of mass destruction in an inappropriately irrational and exuberant fashion. No, really. She's cheerful and extremely easily excitable, which means that she's primarily seen gesticulating excitedly and squealing as she gleefully tells you of all the ways her brilliant inventions will kill another human being. And let's not forget punctuating her statements with a singsong "Yeah~" which REALLY seems to annoy her husband, Zhuge Liang. But despite all that, she's an extremely competent inventor, known for such contraptions as fire-breathing tanks, ninja launchers, and the Aibo.

Writing Sample:

I had high hopes for my new workshop, but this is better than anything I could've ever dreamed! It's even been filled with cannon fodder! ♥ No, no. Not you guys. I meant the guys who look like they're made out of table scraps! Like, take this one over here! I can look at him and say "Now THAT was once a pork cutlet!" Now, I don't know the magician who could've made all of these old leftover meat men to test my weapons on, but I think I owe him a big thank you, yeah! They look so much sturdier than straw dummies, too; I might be able to use some of them twice! Thank you, mystery magician! Please send more! I don't know how many we'll have left when I'm through with them! ♥

Not that I'm saying I'm just going to blow them all up right at the start, though. There's just so much I want to make and so much testing I have to do, you know? And besides, look at all these people! If I were to just start blowing things up left and right, someone could get hurt, and that's totally what I don't want to do! But I am saying that it's not like anybody is going to miss maybe thirty, fifty, or five hundred meat men, yeah? I mean, come on! All they do is walk around, fall apart, and smell bad! But really, what can you expect from leftovers? Especially the ripe ones? I think I'll start with them, y-yeah.

So what am I going to make first? To kick off the grand opening, I was going to go with the theme of "Bigger, Badder, Better, YEAH!" but that would be way too easy to guess! Not that there's anything wrong with a fifty foot tall dragon that spits fire, but maybe I should do something a little smaller. A little sneakier. Something cute, like a kitten! Nobody would EVER suspect a kitten. I'd just set it down, wind it up, send it on its way, and then... KABOOM! YEAH! Does anyone want to guess how many meat men I could get with it? Go on! Go ahead and guess! There are so many around that I don't think you'll have to worry about guessing too high, so give me some really big numbers! And actually, you know what? I'll make TWO kittens. One to test and blow up, and one dud as a prize for the person with the closest guess. How does that sound? It'll still scoot around and purr, yeah, but it just won't explode.

I mean, after all, I'm not going to give explosives to just anybody. That stuff is dangerous in the wrong hands! ♥


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