Apr 22, 2007 05:38
Name: Huang Yue Ying
Age: 17
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120 lbs
Bloodtype: A+
Medical info: Healthy! Her medical history is filled with lots and lots of very minor injuries like cuts and burns on her arms from tinkerings gone wrong, but absolutely nothing major.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswitch/spit at/step on/etc?: Of course! For the minor stuff like punching/spitting on, no permission is needed since Ying doesn't really have the reflexes to avoid or block. I'd like to be notified for more major things, though, though I'll usually say yes.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Anything short of kissing Ying will allow, and she'll go "BLEEEEEEEAH!" at kissing itself since U R NOT KONGMING >(. Short of it? Yes.
Maim/murder/death: PLEASE ASK FIRST. Believe it or not, I'm more likely to say yes to a killing than I am a maiming, because Ying will find the resurrection process to be interesting. And emo injuries, not so much.
What's okay to mention around her: EVERYTHING IS FAIR GAME.
Physical traits: She acts younger than she looks. Obviously she's old enough to be wearing cleavage-baring outfits and filling them out, even if she acts like she's twelve. She has quite a few tiny, faded scars (from tinkering mishaps), but no serious scarring or distinguishing marks.
Abilities: She's a brilliant inventor, even if she acts like she's completely dumb. HIGH INT, LOW WIS.
Secrets: Nope.
Note to psychics: Nothing totally noteworthy. If you want to delve into her head, you'll probably find that she's smarter than she acts, and that she's constantly analyzing things. She's got a great head for math and science and DOES understand politics and strategy (but nowhere to the degree that the last Ying did), but isn't all that bright when it comes to common sense. Her mind is full of equations, theoretical applications of interesting junk she finds in camp, and how many times a zombie will explode before it's considered useless.
Cooking: NOT TO STEREOTYPE, but inventor or no, she IS still an ancient Chinese wife. Which means that she IS capable of cooking, and capable of doing it well. She's good with meat and vegetable dishes and soups, but probably not so much with the baked goods to the extent that the last Ying did.