Title: Three Reasons Why Adrian Loves Milo (Besides the Obvious Fact That He Is Milo)
Rating: G
Pairing: Adrian/Milo
Lenght: 3 drabbles, 300 words in total
Notes: Adrian's POV.
Written for the 12 Days of Christmas @
adrianmilo (Day 3)
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One )
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And really, if they aren't together, they try really hard to make us believe that they are. Only thing we are missing is a french kiss at this point, LOL.
I'll go and *squeee* over these moments a little while longer, ahah.
And I guess there was a french kiss that got deleted from the end of season 2. Or just a kiss. But somehow, I wager when it's between Adrian and Milo, it's never just a kiss.
Whee! :D Squee as long as you want.
And now for something else to share. The moment that's being depicted in my icon? My friend lijeyeshaveit (she who filmed it), scififreak, and annikaa were there to witness it. I can hear scififreak talking, saying something like "they play brothers in the show." I wasn't there. :( Though now I wish I was. *L* No, I had decided to not go to the Heroes panel because I had been burned by comic books and comic related movies/tv shows and decided not to try to get invested. To be honest, I think Heroes ( ... )
I'm still hoping we'll get to see that kiss one day. Or another one, for that matter. It would totally make my day.
That moment in your icon is one of the two things which made me first fall in love with them as a couple (the other one is the photo taken at the baftas last year, the one in my icon). I wish I had been there, too. Though I'd probably wouldn't have survived it, LOL.
The reason I didn't want to watch Heroes at first (and why I arrived in the fandom so late) is just because it was related to comics and I don't like them. But then I fell in love with it... and now, well - season one is definitely the best, but I loved season three as well, even though I would have changed a few things. Now I can't wait for Feb 2nd!
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