Quote: "It's way past my 'I need a certain amount of sleep to be able to stay conscious during the last two hours of work' deadline."
How about the first two hours? I don't think it was even 11 a.m. when, right in the middle of creating a Gaza sidebar, my head managed to find the crook of my arm, which managed to find a clear portion of desk, and I fell asleep long enough to drool on my sleeve a little. Blessed Bobs! That hasn't happened since I got off the morning shift . . . when that sort of thing happened all the time. But thinking wasn't a prerequisite for that show, just one moving finger and an ability to withstand four hours of the braying hee-haw laughter of the PA. (Like a donkey, seriously.)
Now where was I? Oh yes . . . Christmasness.
It was nice to be in Edmonton, where the snow was powdery and like walking on cornstarch, and the skies were magnificently clear, and where I was in no danger whatsoever of being unexpectedly called in to work. Much! Needed! Break! From! Work! It was also nice to sit in front (RIGHT IN FRONT) of the fireplace for long periods of time, to eat nothing but cookies for breakfast, lunch and supper, and learn about TV shows I've never heard of (
Mantracker! . . . easily YouTubeable, I may add) on a magical thingie called cable television, and see the lights at the Leg, and get goofy over firecrackers and cherry dessert, and go for a bracing -28 degree walk in the park, and play a bit of Guitar Hero with my virtuoso sisters (I'd never played Guitar Hero before and always thought the idea of it -- pretending to play guitar in a way that's not really like playing a guitar -- was kind of dorky, but after trying it I can kind of see the appeal and now I have old rock standards in my head and a desire to buy Pearl Jam's Ten album, which is one of those albums I only ever owned on cassette and HOW DO I KEEP WANDERING OFF TOPIC LIKE THIS?!) . . . where was I? Oh yes: listing off nice things. Last but certainly not at all least: staying at L'il Sis' house (newly renovated!) and spending time with the Johnsons, including one Little Ellie J.
Look at that! You can't deny the cuteness! JUST TRY TO DENY THE CUTE OF THAT!!!!
Awwwww . . . .
Okay, I'm sure I'm missing several crucial details here, but right now I'm slightly past my "I need a certain amount of sleep to be able to stay conscious during the last two (or first two) hours of work" deadline, and I don't want to repeat this morning's embarrassing episode, so . . . to be continued. Again. Schnaw!