Portugal Winning World Cup Game=Happy Marriage???

Jul 02, 2006 17:58

I love going to weddings because they are so much fun. I don’t actually dance or anything…I just enjoy watching my family being their crazy selves. It’s sooo awesome. Yesterday I spent the whole day celebrating my cousin Tanya’s wedding…seen here with her new husband Bryan

Really I have no idea how she is related to me. Even when someone tries to explain it to me I get lost…they get lost too trying to explain it to me. I have sooo much family and I don’t know half of them and some of the ones I do know I don’t know how they are related to me. Though I don’t really know Tanya all that well I do know that her family I super sweet…and apparently super rich too. The wedding reception was in Newport and it was like nothing I’ve ever been too. It was amazing. I should go to rich people’s parties more often!

People in church…probably all related to me and I don’t even know it

Tanya and her dad entering the church. I always call him moses because he reminds me of Charlton Heston (Sp??) In the 10 commandments

Tanya/Bryan leaving the church

Ok….about the actual wedding itself. It was the LOUDEST WEDDING EVER! 1st of all certain members of my family were having loud random conversations during the ceremony…but it didn’t matter because nobody could hear them anyway with the continuous honking of car horns going on outside the church. You see I’m Portuguese and a majority of people here in F.R. are Portuguese too…and many are really into showing their Portuguese pride…anyway the world cup match between Portugal and England was going on and all the honking was because Portugal had won and people were really excited about it. The honking started the minute the ceremony started and it kept going way after we had left. I couldn’t understand anything that was going on during the ceremony…they could have been rejecting god and accepting satan and I would have had no clue.

Anyway the ceremony was done and we get outside and it’s MADNESS on the street. The particular street the church was on is known to be the most Portuguese street in the whole city and it seemed like every person who was going crazy about the world cup win was riding in their car up that street. I guess it was a big game or something but what I saw I just couldn’t get over. It wasn’t just people honking their car horns

A guy waving what looks like Crime Scene tape…but I’m sure just a banner for Portugal

Guy with Elvis hairdo

One of MANY men in the street holding big Flags…what’s in his mouth. Is he pretending to be a walrus? smoking two cigarettes at once? What?

progressively getting more crazy here…this seemed to be an ongoing theme on the street…guys with no shirts sitting outside their car window (uh guys….you won’t be able to see if Portugal wins the world cup if you are dead) waving flags and shaking people’s hands

These guys win hands down for most pride. Their car is like a mini float…love the guy wearing the green wig!

I still can’t get over the madness.I’ve never seen anything like that here.

I’m sure it was a wedding they won’t forget…I know I won’t.

Some serious pics since we were all dressed up nicely

GOOOO PORTUGAL!!!!!!!….really I couldn’t care less. I’m a good actor though right?

jumping pics!!!!!

Woah look at the height missy got! Note to self…must practice my jumping skills…obviously she’s done this before.

At the hotel before cocktail hour

Carlos and Dad are *really excited* for the wedding

Godmother’s secret watch which reminded me of the evil lady in thoroughly modern millie (sp?) and her secret ring which held poison.

wedding party on an elevator...not as good as snakes on a plane

Mom and dad match too well

Befriending a plant during cocktail hour

and eating fancy cocktail food

It was funny. My family was like vultures….they wouldn’t just wait for the waiters to come up and ask them for food…they’d go chase after them sometimes. Too funny! But can’t blame them. we never get this service

A discussion with Moses

sooo many people at the wedding

The reception room was beautiful….I loved the phantom of the opera like lighting that was above our table.

The fanciest centerpieces I’ve ever seen at a wedding I’ve been to. My mom and other members of my family looted the flowers at the end of the night .

The first dance

Tidonna eyes some drinks….she got kind of drunk last night….tooo funny

she was laughing at everything. she was talking about about the golden Girls episode where they did chicken little and then She proceeded to call our cousin Lucy…again no idea how she’s related to us…Lucy Goosey the whole night.

I had all these great videos I took which I transferred onto a cd…and I was planning on uploading them to you tube to show you all…but when I tried to upload them they were taking forever. Now the clips were all under 10 seconds long and I couldn’t figure out why it was going so slow. thought it was a you tube.com problem…but then I realized that it might have something to do with these being videos from my new digital camera (I’ve never uploaded any videos from the new camera before) I remember that when I uploaded them onto my computer it took longer than usual…so I went ahead and took a video using my old camera and tried uploading it and everything worked fine. So it must be my new camera…maybe because it’s better quality?? Anyway because it takes forever and a day to upload an under 10 sec video (at least on my computer) I don’t think I’ll be able to upload anymore videos. Missy and Jamie…I will be able to show you the videos at home if you want to see them….everyone else…I’ll tell you what the videos were of…I’m so sorry I can’t post them because they were really funny and great.

Videos I can’t show

-Dina and Mom sing Opera-their favorite opera song in Latin I think came on and they sang it off key
-Everyone at my table singing that’s amore…holding hands…we were the only ones doing so…I love it.
-Then everyone and I mean everyone in the room sang along to sweet caroline…It was awesome. But too bad I bet most of the people knew the song because of the red sox and not because they love neil diamond.
-Jamie making his water glass be all musical

Missy avoiding the fam…yeah the fam as in family. I’m going to call them the fam from now on…sort of like the fonz

My salad face I made which dad said looked like an alligator….what??

Dad’s salad face reminds me of Squid ward (sp?) from Spongebob

Me REPRESENTIN’ (The musical folk…ha like I can really call myself that) by wearing my piano keys pin.

Jamie...a girly rambo???

Another sign that it was an expensive wedding was that we got a small bit of sorbet to eat to clean our palate..yeah I watch the food network. While everyone was taking tiny bites tidonna ate hers in one spoonfull…hilarious

Tanya/bryan visits our table

Cutting the cake (which looked beautiful but fake)

the garter…funny story. They blindfolded Bryan and then had Tayna sit on top of one of their guy friend and he stuck is leg out under Tanya’s dress so Bryan is going up the wrong leg. Very funny!

Dancing Pics

Do women usually dance with each other (like they are dancing with men) in other cultures? It always cracks me up. I love the girl eyeing my mom and aunt

Jamie braved it out to dance with tidonna…look at her wild skirt!

more dancing

Dancing Videos you can’t see

-Tidonna’s running back and forth dance (even I can do that one)
-My version of dancing of dancing which consists of me sitting down and just moving the upper half of my body
-On the dance floor the flower girl is behind the ring bearer and is squeezing him around the waist so hard that someone has to stop her
-Tidonna doing the butt dance
-people trying to drink out of a cup and dance at the same time
-A couple with no rhythm
-The it’s raining men medley which included
.Mom dancing with Napkin…why’d she bring the napkin to the dance floor?? Classic
.An older man appearing late in the video…all the girls are excited because it’s raining men but why was this guy so excited? He had his hands in the air and everything
-Dina wiping the “wet men” off another family member I think.

Kristen if you are reading this….when you visit me I will be SURE to show you these videos!

Along with my camera I need to start carrying around pen and paper to write down all the funny stuff my family says. Here’s just a few

Me-Missy they are doing the cha cha slide
Missy-The cha cha guy? (she wanted to see his picture)lol

Tidonna-(To missy and Jamie) Go dance
Missy-We can’t dance right now…they are doing the father daughter dance
Ron-They are doing the father daughter dance
Tidonna-What so they (missy/jamie) can’t dance?

Like I said we looted from the party…took the flowers from the centerpiece…and while we already had a nice engraved cup that they gave us there were a bunch of them left over on the table (They all were in boxes and wrapped up with people’s names on it telling them where to sit) Mom took another couple’s cup that didn’t show up

The Vicente’s missed out you fools!

At least we didn’t steal any silverware.

and what was up with random dude outside of hotel at 11:30 at night selling shrimp and lobster out of a paper bag?

I kind of wish we had stayed until midnight because it was Tanya’s birthday and they were supposed to do something special…only we find this out after we’ve left the reception.

My summer just keeps on getting better and better. THIS was definitely the best day I’ve had all Summer!

Random Photo of the day

In the lounge at cocktail hour I saw this and named in the insane piano because with all the white padding on it it looks like it should be in an mental institution.

Seth Cohen Quote/Scene of the day

(Anna tries to shed some light on the whole Summer won’t acknowledge Seth in public problem)

Anna-Summer’s scared too
Seth-I know. she’s scared of being seen with me in public…it’s fine
Anna-Come on Cohen. She fought for you. She was fearless…ruthless in fact…and now she’s got you. There’s nothing scarier than that
Seth-Nothing scarier than being with me? or do you mean like anyone?
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