Jun 21, 2005 09:58

Just thought I'd remind all of you that my actual b-day is in 8 days. That gives you 8 shopping days for those of you that are purchasing something. 8 single solitary days. =)
If you have no idea what to get me for my bday, I have a couple of ideas for ya. Money (so I can either buy my own junk, or pay for my tat) or drinks. =) Those are easy. I don't care if it's like $5, it will go towards the $150 I need to get my tat fixed. =)

Also, Adam has redeemed himself slightly. Saying *I'm sorry* heals a lot of open wounds, and I'm not sure he realizes that.

I'm not 100% sure that I'll even come down to Tucson for my birthday. I'm kinda in a shitty mood and I hate the, we'll see. Don't get me wrong, I love all you guys down there, but I think it's lame for me to expect to have a good time when I'm so not into going out. We'll see.

Going in to work 30 minutes earlier than your shift for a mandatory meeting sucks. It's all about CSI's too...which is not like the show, heh. It's like...Customer Service Indicators or some crap. Basically we're being graded. We have to wear a blue, green, or purple shirt and write down one way that we're going to *make every connection count.* I hate my life. =(

4th of July is comin up quickly. I have that day off...any plans with any of you? Otherwise I'm gonna stay my ass here and be lazy. =)

Ne, I started back up on your blankey...and just a reminder, it's like 29374932 different shades of don't freak out when one end is all light and the rest is greeeeeeeeeeen. =)

EDIT: I've decided after talking to Adamerio that I shall come to Tucson on Saturday after all. I will be staying *gasp* at the Embassy Suites at the Williams Center. Not super far from everything, but still a suite in case anyone needs to crash. *yay* I'll call everyone or one or a couple of you on Saturday...and let the word spread like wildfire. This'll be the test of who my "friends" are, since I'm not in good spirits. =(

Adam and I were on the verge of breaking up tonight because I'm in such a shitty mood. I don't know how to be happy anymore. =( I'm stressed cuz of crap at work, stuff with my ex, in general. I bottle it up and it explodes eventually, but right before the explosion comes the craptastic part which is the depression that I am currently experiencing. It's tons of fun. =I I totally need to go to a doctor to find out wtf is wrong with me. I need a complete blood panel run again too, cuz I think I have iron deficiency. Blah.

The end
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