This is the shit that caused me to write the last entry. His name is Eric William Eickhoff.
I hope that everyone and their mother sees this.
He is a fucking insane woman beater that deserves every last day of prison sentencing that he gets. I hope that the scratches I left him with scars so he has to see them daily and remember what he did. I hope he gets "bitch" status in Wilmot and has to blow someone just so he can survive.
Hell yes I'm angry. I still cry. I wake up in the middle of the night cuz I think he's there about to do it again. I still fear that he's caused some sort of damage to me that I don't know about and won't know until I go off the deep end.
All that is keeping me sane is my ridiculously fabulous group of family and friends that have rallied around me to make sure that I'm ok...and not doing anything that I shouldn't be. If it wasn't for them, I'd have checked myself in at some mental hospital just to be numb to life.
I'm venting...I'm sorry, but I hope that everyone that knows him reads this when they google his name.
To add even MORE insult to injury, he cheated on me the last week we were together, up until the fucking NIGHT BEFORE this happened. Saturday night he came home at 1:30 with a bs story.
So...he's a little bitch that hits women, cheats on them, and when they do the same to him...he goes after the other guy with a gun (previous record).
I hope that you all have read this and realize that domestic violence can happen to anyone...anytime.