CR for Basch fon Ronsenburg
What the hell are Social Links? 00 The Fool-Basch fon Ronsenburg-
for_dalmasca Represents the beginning and suggests infinite possibilities.
01 The Magician - Jeager-
german_beefcake Represents action and initiative… but also immaturity.
A young man that seemed to have had some sort of relationship with a previous incantation of Basch. Out of
curiosity Basch met the man again and has since grown fond of the German wrestler
Established: August 18th
Current Rank: TWO
02 The Priestess - Not Established Yet -
Represents contemplation and inner knowledge.
Not established yet.
03 The Empress - Temari -
voiceforyou Represents motherhood and the life it brings forth.
A young lady the reminds Basch strongly of Penelo. He expects her husband to be to treat her with respect and honor or be forced to answer to him
Established: September 10th
Curent Rank: ONE
04 The Emperor - Not Established Yet -
Represents fathering and relates to leadership and decision-making skills.
Not established yet.
05 The Hierophant - Not Established Yet -
Represents formality and knowledge, and stands for religion.
Not established yet.
06 The Lovers - Balthier -
swaggeringboots Represents choice. Here, the individual consciousness has finally surfaced.
A comrade from Ivalice. Basch feels that he can trust the sky pirate with his life. There is a mutual understanding that
Basch simply cannot explain...
Established: Pre-game
Current Rank: MAX
07 The Chariot - Not Established Yet -
Represents victory for the individual, but only a momentary one.
Not established yet.
08 The Strength - Not Established Yet -
Represents both passion and self-control. It is depicted as power with reason.
Not established yet.
09 The Hermit - Not Established Yet -
Represents the individual's search for answers by looking inward, deep inside his heart.
Not established yet.
10 The Fortune - Not Established Yet -
Represents fate, and the opportunities that come with it.
Not established yet.
11 The Justice - -
Represents the knowledge of what is right, and what is wrong.
Not established yet.
12 The Hanged Man - Not Established Yet -
Reflects the individual's inability to take action.
Not established yet.
13 The Death - Not Established Yet -
Spiritual death awaits the individual. Considered a transitional card. The old ends, and the new begins.
Not established yet.
14 Temperance - Not Established Yet -
The balancing of opposites. Opening his eyes to the world allows the individual to grow…
Not established yet.
15 The Devil - Kia Welbehenna -
rideonmyharley Represents temptation.
A man who beliefs are a near opposite to Basch's. Basch has still yet to understand what his motives are.
Established:September 4th
Current Rank: ONE
16 The Tower - Yamada Hanatarou -
handle_gently His values collapse on him. It seems as if he no longer has anything to believe in.
A young shinigami. Basch has spoken to him quite a few times and finds him to be an honorable member of society. Kind and loyal to a fault, there are times that he worries that people will take advantage of Hanatarou's kindness.
Established: September 14th
Current Rank: ONE
17 The Star - Larsa Ferrinas Solidor -
armisticed Represents a glimmer of hope, and he is suffused with a serene calm.
Basch has sworn to protect and guide the young ruler. A promised that was done out of honor for his brother has grown to mean much more.
Current Rank: MAX
18 The Moon - Not Established Yet -
Vulnerability to illusions. Fears arise, and he follows the dim path in his heart with trepidation.
Not established yet.
19 The Sun - Not Established Yet -
Signifies true achievement (rewarded with a bright future).
Not established yet.
20 Judgment - -
Awaits the individual at the end of his journey, as he looks back on the path he has traveled.
Not established yet.
Pixel cards are courtesy of
If interested in forming a Social Link with Basch;and plotting, feel free to comment on this post :)