Wow, this is deep. But without hesitation I would have to say my kids. They are amazing strong kids. Both have been through so much in their lives, but yet are still happy, laughing, smiling boys. Other than them, I would have to say leaving the bastard that helped me make them. He was no good for me, and it took a lot of shit to realize that. I basically wasted almost 5 years of my life with him, getting beat, put down, called names, and isolated from friends and family. To those who I have hurt in the time I was with them, I'm sorry, truely sorry, I can't change the past, but can definately forge a path in my future to make up for what I had done. Also I have to say that never giving up on one person, and never pushing away the feelings that I had for him is another thing that I pride myself on. Because in the end, it has been him getting me through the rough times, knowing that he does love me for who I am, and never letting other people push his feelings out also, only holding them back till the day he was able to truely express them...I miss you babe, and love you with all my heart, for all time, no matter what path our lives take.