It's all relative,really.

Apr 17, 2006 12:21

As we approach the end of the semester, I find myself having to make harder choices.I'm done with most of my general ed classes,and have to start focusing in one direction or the other.I find myself taking psychology and sociology classes,and am enjoying them not to metion doing well.
But is that what I want to do with the rest of my life?
I like helping people,but I dont know if I want to do the clinical psychology stuff.
Mike claims we should use our knowledge to the best of our potential,and me going the full seven years of school would be the best option.
I know it would benefit people,and I know I could do it.
But does that knowlege alone mean I should?

I dont know if Im getting "burned out" per se with serving,but I find myself less into it.
It's an awesome job,I love the people I work with and I make damn good money.
I guess thats what Im going to school for,though.To not do that forever.
And it motivates me because I see some of the people there and know I dont want to be doing that for the rest of my life.
Ill just have to stick it out till I finish school,and save money till.

I've been dreaming such vivid dreams lately.
I usually know I am too,and have relative control of many.
I dream when I nap,which isnt really supposed to occur.
The things I see...manytimes hold such beauty,or are simply me having a good time,
and once in awhile break my heart.
No matter what though,when I wake up,I smile.
Because its a new day.
Full of endless potential.

Im never depressed or upset anymore.
And I dont waste my time worrying,as it accomplishes nothing.
I realize much of this came after losing Jessie.
Although that should make me sad,I've come to accept it.
"when all you got to keep is strong,move along,move along."

Oh yeah.
I got a ticket the other day for not wearing my seat belt.
It was a mild deterrent from my otherwise relatively swell day.
70 bux,no points on license or anything.
So all in all,I just said it could have been worse and forgot about it.
Although I need to make sure not to forget to pay it.

I called off work today.
I've been busting my ass for like the past month working 4 days and going to school two.
I needed this one,
especially as I have some tests at school tomorra.
Hope I dont have to take a math next semester.

Last but not least:
Xmen 3 looks amazing.
MI 3 looks pretty good.
Im going somewhere cool this summer.

And thats the end of that chapter.

Peace and love.
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