Aug 26, 2008 13:00
Nearly dying is not fun...
Lets not try and fly again. Ever.
I did express my concerns on your new method on flying. I was sure that jumping from a high building and flapping your arms wouldn't have worked as effectively like Agent Montana's gravity lift. But according to my data collected from the experience, you maintained to stay in the air for 5.099982226663355511 seconds longer than calculated.
That makes 6! Kentucky!
Incorrect, it is still the same number, rounded would round it down to 5 to the nearest whole number, 5.1 if it is to the nearest millisecond. I did not mean the state, Private Caboose, I was speaking about the Freelancer project. Every Freelancer was assigned an Artificial Intelligence program in order to help within battle, along with an armor enhancement. Agent Montana receives Gravity lift and the artificial program Beta.
I like rounding. So- Monatly can fly?
For a certain amount of time, correct.
I would like to fly! Lets go jump again!
Private Caboose, chances of surviving another fatal fall are extremely unlikely, I suggest we see a medic for your current injuries.
Doctors are mean and feed me to aliens.
Chances of surviving without medical help is extremely unlikely.
Do we have anything....that is....likely?
Chances of you attempting to fly are extremely likely.
Then we should do that!
Death included.
We should not do that.... Anything nice?
I think we should stay inside.