
Aug 27, 2006 10:15

Helloooooo, everyone! I'm back! And what a trip it was! I was on the east coast of the U.S., mainly visiting relatives. Yes, for two weeks. Since we live in Washington state we rarely see any of them, and the last time we had gone over there was five years ago. I also got to meet my great-aunt and great-uncle, who last saw our family when I was one. ONE. They hadn't ever seen my sister.

As I'm sure you all are, I'm very disappointed about Pluto no longer being a planet. It has been demoted to the newly-made status of "dwarf planet." *rolls eyes* Whatever. All I know is now we have a whole bunch of very confused kindergarten, first, second, and third graders. (That includes your kids, flyingspatulas. I send my regrets.)

NEWSFLASH! For all those poor delusional HP fans still out there, there is now a car made just for you. No kidding; it's the Chevy HHR. I guess Chevy doesn't want Harry to have kids.

....that's all. I'm just glad to be back. :D

tired, news, end hiatus

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