Dec 12, 2008 11:12
I've been feeling a bit more level recently. Things are starting to wind down, and I feel like my head is well above the water now.
Classes are just about over, and even though I struggled with them, I managed to finish alright. And concerning my struggling, I'm going to try visiting a therapist and maybe try some medication for what I can only describe as my ADD. I can't seem to stop doing projects at the last second, and sometimes I don't do them at all. I thought that it was just me for a while, that I was doing this to myself for reasons unknown. I kept telling myself, "I wouldn't keep doing something over and over if I didn't derive some sort of pleasure out of it." After talking to my parents and reading about it, I'm pretty sure that I have some form of ADD. Hopefully next semester will go much more smoothly, especially if I don't have to fight myself every minute of every day to accomplish schoolwork.
On that note, I found that my mind is like a laser when I can focus it. I was sitting at my computer, not doing work, when I decided that since I wasn't going to be doing this work anyway, I might as well do something productive. So I cleaned my entire apartment in a hour. Picked up, vacuumed, scrubbed, living room, bathroom, kitchen, everything. It was (and still is) ridiculously clean. It turns out that my apartment was a mess because of my roommates, not me.
Speaking of roommates, I think mine (Shawn) semi moved out. One day, a couple of days before Thanksgiving, he said that he was going into Fort Walton and that he'd be back later. Two days pass. His family came from Alabama to pick him up for Thanksgiving, and he still wasn't here. I explained the situation to them, and they left. They came back with Shawn, who came in to grab his things for the trip, said that he'd had a hectic couple of days and that he would talk to me later, and they left. A day or so after Thanksgiving I came back to the apartment to see that some of his stuff was back. However, he did not show up that day or the next few days. I eventually got a call from him saying that he was in Shalimar, and that he didn't have a ride. I went to pick him up, and he explained a couple of things. He had been meeting with quite a lot of old friends, he got a new job at a restaurant, and he had a place where he could live for practically free. I had to go to work in the middle of his story, and he said that he would explain more when I got back. I came back from work and he was gone. Which brings us to present day, and a very long story that sums up to the fact that I may be looking for a new roommate.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I got a job again. It's at Rockport, the same store I worked at before. However, it's much better now. Before, Rockport was connected to Reebok, where we answered directly to them and it was a giant hassle. Now, the Rockport store has moved to a different place in the mall, making the job much easier. We don't get that many people in, I already know everything about the store, and the hours are flexible. It's the best possible version of that job.
Not much has changed beyond that, except that I'm going to ask someone out on Monday.
"I have the kind of procrastination that went to prison and came back with tattoos and an eyepatch."