things today:
★G-Dragon's 1st Album (HeartBreaker) & HeartBreaker MV★
★Brave Brother's 1st Album (Attitude)★
I'm not going to lie - the only thing i was looking for in the Big Show DVD was the making of and the BANGS animation. like are A Boy, Butterfly, and Gossip Man, but i have a soft spot for Leaders (CL! Teddy! omgyes) and 1 Year Station. but what really made me go OMG ILU GD WHY DID I EVER DOUBT YOU was the MV. it is intense and sharp and fierce and i love it so, so much. even as the bass for heartbreaker destroys my headphones as i listen, even as the visuals burn my retinas with their screechy neon colors /i love it/ aa;sdlfkja;sldkfjalskdf
also this vid makes me realize that gd has really gorgeous hands. :| another thing to add to my list of 'weird fixations'. awesome.
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST BRAVE BROTHERS' ALBUM. ngl i'm super disappointed it's only two songs. :( but bittersweet is so smooth and lovely and just a gorgeous, gorgeous song although i wish to god they could've chosen someone OTHER than hyunah to do the rap. her voice is so >( >( inducing. i think in my mind i know that invisible is a good song! and it is catchy and tight in everyway except dambi cannot pronounce invisible and i /cannot stop giggling/ every single time i hear her mauled pronounciation. unfortunately it happens to be part of the chorus so this occurs something like /all the time/ while listening to the song. :/ a little disappointed with the album, but bittersweet pretty much makes up for it all. ❤
i'm kind of >/ that the brave brothers fans seem incapable of praising attitude without dissing heartbreaker. way to show your maturity guys. and i want to say that i'm not letting it color my opinion of the mini-album but it. kind of is. :/
in short: BEST DAY EVER oh my god so amazing
also, WEIRD THINGS our house has an infestation of ladybugs. i've seen, like, five in the last week which is more than i've seen in the last, what, eight years? and i know they're not the same one, 1) because my little brother squashed one, as little boys are wont to do and 2) their spot patterns are different. and, while i know that lady bugs are harmless, it's still kind of creepy. :|
okay and now i sleep. GOOD NIGHT.