Jul 23, 2004 20:44
So this week on my days off I have argued with my left-wing, Kerry-supporting, anit-Bush agenda about politics. I find it funny, all the Franks are right wingers and the non-Franks are lefties. Now don't lable me republican, cause I am more center-right than their policies adhear to. I saw the "Truth" according to Micheal Moore with them, and we really didn't discuss the ideas because they had already made up their minds and so have I. You know what? I would vote for Kerry if he had something that I aggreed with somewhere in his retoric. But thats all I have heard, retoric therefore I see no reason to change the status quo and thus will vote for Bush, even though I think he is a dumb-ass. A dumb ass, but a dumb ass with smart people telling him what to do.