Jun 04, 2008 14:05
I am so going to miss nights like last night! My Daughter said "do you want some pudding?" I said why. She said it would only take 10 min. She made pudding. I said put me some in a bowl. She said that takes the fun out of it. I said well get 2 spoons. We sat on the couch with 2 spoons & a mixing bowl with pudding in it & ate while watching TV. That is what I am going to miss when she goes off to college in Aug. The Preacher said we have to seize the divine moments in our spiritual life as well as our everyday life. I guess he is right. We never get them back!
Saturday we helped at church until 12:30 with Angel Food ministry. It is really rewarding. After that we went to lunch at Oriental Cafe. Then to the mall to get glasses for My Daughter to take to college along with her contacts. We then went to the movies.
Sunday we went to church & then out to eat seafood with my Brother. I really enjoy spending time with Him because we don"t get to as much as I would like to.
Today we went to Preschool Graduation of the little boy (Matthew) that I keep. I have been keeping Him since he was 6 weeks old. So he is like a grandchild to me.
Relaxing in front of the computer while everything is quite.
Off to read the newspaper.
God Bless!