The State of the Mooshkin

Oct 13, 2011 10:12

As far as Mischa's concerned, he continues to amble through life in robust good health, with nary a concern save when his Humans will stop interrupting his Sleeping Schedule to drag him off to sharp-smelling rooms with people in white coats.

After he'd spent a month or two on his new, spectacularly expensive prescription dog-food, the crystals disappeared from his pee. (Yay!) However he still had white blood cells in his urine, so akeela took him to Bonn to get his prostate ultrasounded. (My first reaction to that was, ulp!!, but it's okay-they do it through the belly wall, as if Mischa were pregnant and they were checking for his prostate babies. You may now unclench your buttocks.) The ultrasound turned up nothing out of the ordinary. They think the white blood cells came from inside his penile sheath, which tends to exude small amounts of yellowish goo-pus, basically-from its tip, signalling that it harbours a permanent low-grade infection of some bacterium or other. We long ago took that to dear old Dr Padberg in Recklinghausen and he signed it off as harmless.

Result? Mischa basically gets a clean bill of health, which wouldn't much surprise anyone who looks at him. We're going to keep him on the OMGexpensive dog-food for a while, because it appears to be good for him and because he guzzles the stuff with such enthusiasm, and then we'll phase it out for something long-term (and not the stuff he was eating previously).

Healthy dog. Happy dog. Happy dog owners. Happy me.

mischa, health, dog

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