hard disk encryption can be defeated by chilling RAM chips.
Commentary from the Institute of Physics: the stated motives for shooting down the satellite were implausible, and
it's not a decent test for shooting down an ICBM. It's impressive progress in missile defence, but it's not yet time for anyone to
crow about it.
For example, expose an attacker attempting to gain unauthorized physical access to the risk of serious injury.
I will leave speculation on exactly how many armed employees guard our data centre as an exercise for the reader.
On the other hand, the chap who comes to take your computer is typically waving a warrant, and the stakes have to be pretty high before it's worth waving guns back at him. Physical security won't help your average bent accountant or bonsai-kitten-hentai merchant.
The scenario that concerns me the most is things like laptops being stolen or data centres broken into. I'm not particularly concerned about things that make it harder to break democratically instituted laws.
If someone were to show up with a warrant, I would give them what they want; I avoid such trouble by the simple expedient of not committing crimes.
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