Jan 10, 2007 22:31
So far so good! I’m able to eat most foods now, if they’re not too tough or stick-in-teethy. I can’t open my mouth more than half an inch, my left jaw socket is making interesting crunching noises in my ear as I chew, the corner of my mouth is all scabby and icky and there’s a vaguely purulent-looking blister just inside it; but on the other hand my tongue is functional again, my cheek is feeling much less turgid although it still looks Marlon Brando, and-best of all-I can eat ‘most anything without any pain from Gum Zero. That’s a big change from last time, when even drinking water brought me stabbing pain for weeks afterwards. In fact everything is going so well that I’m starting to worry about the bit of gauze she stuffed into the impact crater, which shows every sign of happily healing over it.
And the general ick and blood-drooling has stopped, so I’ve taken the layers of towels and bin-bags out from under my sheet. No more rustle rustle.
Now, bed, for lots and lots of healing sleep.