Defensive Marriage Act

Mar 26, 2013 13:34

The question of same-sex marriage is before the Supreme Court today. My Facebook home page is awash with people who have changed their profile pictures to show their support for marriage equality. I hope the Supreme Court's decision will make the law catch up with public opinion, but with garbage like Scalia involved, I'm not going to hold my breath.

I haven't looked at the latest polls, but from what I remember, there's majority support for marriage equality among all age groups up until about age 55 or 60. Then you see a drop to about 30 or 40 percent support. It makes me want to throw out everything I've been told about respecting my elders and tell them, You've had your chance to make the world what you want it to be. Now please step aside and let the people who are going to live in it longer have their say.

In other news, my mother is already thinking of moving again. She made a hasty decision to move to Maryland and now feels she's being used by her sister and brother-in-law. They constantly want her to be available at the drop of a hat to be their translator, and they seem to think she's made of money and can pay their tabs and co-sign financial documents for them. They have money themselves, but they'd rather use Harry Potter-style accounting to put as much of their wealth in the hands of their adult children as possible, enabling them to look poorer on paper than they really are--so that they can in turn collect more public benefits. At least that's my understanding of their m.o., but it's all being filtered through my mother, who sometimes lets feelings color her perceptions of things.

Things would be a lot simpler if my mother just sat down with the two of them, explained her frustrations, and give them the opportunity to make amends. But she's stubborn and they can be self-centered, so I don't know if that would work.

She has two other sisters who immigrated to the U.S. and settled in that area, but for some reason I don't fully understand, she's somewhat estranged from them.

If she wants to move to be closer to one of her kids, she has three choices: two cities (Tucson and Chicago) where she thinks the cost of housing is too high, and one (Oklahoma City) where it's more reasonable. Oklahoma City is a surprisingly nice city for a state I never suspected had a whole lot going for it, but I'm not sure how much longer my sister wants to live there. She's talked about moving closer to her husband's family in the South.

I can't believe I've still never been to the South--well, unless you count my trip to North Carolina. That was a tangent, but I wasn't sure how else to end this.


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