Betty Meltzer-Hart

Jul 22, 2012 21:11

It's amazing how much more organized the pile of junk mail on your sofa looks after you pick it up and put it on a wooden tray you picked up at World Market. In addition to making my clutter look more organized, I'm hoping it will motivate me to keep my clutter to a minimum. As soon as the junk mail and other crap outgrows that tray, I'm going through it. Honestly, I am.

I went to see The Dark Knight Rises yesterday with Joe, bryanhelm, and clockworkalien. It definitely exceeded my expectations. The Dark Knight had an overly complicated plot with such a constant circus of over-the-top crimes that it made suspension of disbelief difficult. The crimes were just as over the top in The Dark Knight Rises, but somehow the movie draws you into its world more effectively, so you stop using real-world yardsticks to measure what you're seeing. I harbored a lot of doubts about their choice of Bane as the villain, but when I saw how they pulled it off, it seemed perfect.

I also spent a good portion of the weekend reading Outlaw Marriages: The Hidden Histories of Fifteen Extraordinary Same-Sex Couples. I decided to read it so that I could review it for the Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona Blog. It was a good choice of self-assignment. It's not preachy or polemic. It just profiles a lot of interesting people who happened to have been in long-term, same-sex relationships ("marriages," whether recognized or not). Many of them I would have never had the impetus to read about otherwise, but now that I'm reading about them, I'm glad this book finally provided that impetus. (Incidentally, I hope at least some of this information will help me at pub trivia, a Thursday-night activity that locakitty and others have drawn me into--which I sometimes resist, since I'm not much of a pub-going kind of guy.)

Sometimes I feel as if I should put more effort into it and be a better ally to LGBTQ people. Other times I feel as if so many other social issues keep me busy that I should resign myself to my limitations and stick to what I'm (somewhat) good at. Whatever the case, I'll definitely own up to my shortcomings as an ally to LGBTQ people.

This is completely unrelated, but I wonder what kind of racist comments people would make if the Obamas had as many children as the Romneys. My guess is that we would have seen a political cartoon of Michelle Obama driving a pink Cadillac by now.

movies, friends, books

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