The Twee Musketeers

Oct 18, 2011 21:44

For whatever reason, I haven't been taking much time to write lately. But I am now, since my reading, which I normally do voraciously, hasn't been holding my attention for the last few days. Perhaps life is distracting me a bit more than usual these days, since my mother is moving to Maryland and a few friends are moving to other destinations.

Read Between the Bars moved to a new location this summer, and they were my distraction tonight. There was another book-packaging party tonight. A lot of people showed up. There have been times that it's just been four of us. There were probably twelve of us there tonight. The new location is in the Blenman-Elm neighborhood--I think. I don't know my Tucson neighborhoods that well. I know the name of my own, and that might be as good as I'm going to get.

I've never had good luck growing anything--decorative plants or edible plants, indoors or outdoors--but this year seems to be the exception. Bell peppers and Thai hot peppers are growing in containers outside my door. I also have some mint which is doing well. My cilantro, on the other hand, could use something; I don't know if it needs more light or more fertilizer. I'm going to see if the latter helps. I bought some organic fertilizer of some sort tonight. It was inexpensive, and the package said it could be used for vegetables.

My neighbor seems to like plants that she can look at, and I like plants that I can eat. She's been growing decorative plants while I've been growing the visually bland, practical plants. We share a common yard (which is really more parking lot than yard, but we try to make it yardlike). I was worried that my half, with all of its edibles, was out of balance with her half, with all of its decorative plants; so I decided to buy some token flowers to throw into the mix. They were yellow mums. I have no idea if they were a good choice or not. They were cheap. That was the deciding factor. I'll probably plant them some time tomorrow.
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