An Apple Schnapps a day keeps the doctor away.

Apr 15, 2007 22:56

I'm getting tired of how there's no consistency in what one restaurant considers a burrito and what another restaurant considers a burro. If burrito is the diminutive form of burro, then it follows that when I order a burro, I should get a giant handful of beans and other goodness; and when I order a burrito, I should get a lighter portion of beans and other goodness. But I've ordered enough burrito-sized "burros" and burro-sized "burritos" to know that such logic is lost on restaurateurs. I've grown accustomed to considering it a bonus when I get a burro-sized burrito, but when my luck is the other way around--when I get a burrito-sized burro--I feel angry, cheated, and resentful.

Why are there no standards to determine at what point a restaurant can call something a burrito, and at what point they can call it a burro? This is bullshit. Given my political leanings, I know there are worthier causes to take up, but I think consumers need to know how much of their time and appetite they are investing in a meal.


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