Miami Lice

Dec 16, 2006 17:50

I noticed on the drive home from Borders that someone spray-painted "FUCK ARABS" behind the plaza where Gandhi Cuisine of India is located. Immediately I started to think of ways I could alter the message to make it into something I could agree with. Social or political commentary would take a lot of modification, so I thought it might be simpler just to make it say something apolitical, like "FUCK CRABS." Then motorists and bus passengers of all races, ethnicities, creeds, and political ideologies could get a small chuckle as they imagined some angry fucker who slept with the wrong person and decided to vent about the consequences on the back wall of a plaza.

jemesuisperdue sent me a link to an article about a recent study published in the British Medical Journal. The study links high IQ during childhood to vegetarianism in adulthood. I guess a lot of us vegetarians are smart motherfuckers.

I thought I read once that vegetarians could suffer nervous system damage--which could in turn affect cognitive abilities--because of their lower intake of vitamin B12. Then again, I might just be getting a bunch of random bits of information mixed up in my head. Regardless of whatever might be claimed by conventional biomedical wisdom, all of the vegetarians I know are very bright people.

Personally, I think I've lost some of my sharp wit and my ability to absorb new information effortlessly, but that might be because of the effects of aging--or my recreational activities during college. I doubt that it's because of any deterioration of cognitive abilities caused by a B12 deficiency (especially since I'm only a lacto-ovo-vegetarian). Besides, as the article points out, history has had its share of intellectuals who were vegetarians: "Leonardo da Vinci, Plato, Pythagoras, Aristotle...George Bernard Shaw, Albert Einstein...." I realize that a bunch of anecdotal evidence thrown together really doesn't prove anything, but I'm content to call it good. Countless studies have found protective factors (especially in regards to cardiovascular health) associated with a balanced vegetarian diet, and after almost a decade of being a vegetarian and being in very good health, I have doubts about any risk factors that doctors, nutritionists, or researchers may claim.

All of this talk of vegetarianism is making me hungry for a burrito. Now the only question is whether I should make one for myself or just be lazy and walk over to Nico's Tacos. I hate these decisions.


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