Weakened at Bernie's

Oct 11, 2006 03:51

These über-conservatives have a love/hate relationship with affirmative action. There's hate for the program but looooooove for its existence since they can use it as an excuse when minorities get ahead of their white, pimply asses in business. They can claim race preference rather than have a self-realization that they might not be the sharpest of tools in the shed.--Harmon Leon, Republican Like Me

My extended weekend in Kansas gave me time to finish reading Republican Like Me. I first started reading the book in early August, but I took a break from it and resumed reading it late last month. The break was good, since Harmon Leon constantly inserts humor into his writing. That kind of humor is made better when you stop and read serious things for a while.

I was also able to buy a few bags of Art's and Mary's potato chips, that beloved, Kansas-made snack food that I can't buy here in Arizona. They're always just as good as I remember them.

I was hoping to have some great epiphany in which I would figure out what I should be for Halloween. That never happened.

I think one reason I often opt for nonparticipation in some things--like dancing, cooking for other people, or dressing up for Halloween--is that I'm obsessed with being original, and where original ideas seem impossible, I just give up. I think that's why I eventually lost interest in painting and took more of an interest in writing. Writing lends itself more easily to originality. It's probably a good thing I never took an interest in music, because then I'd feel my music was pointless unless I was writing my own music instead of performing other people's. I realize this is a stupid obsession. There's art in the use of old ideas, whether it's in the form of interpretation, rendering, or peformance of those ideas. Maybe I'm really just looking for an excuse to be lazy.

books, travel

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