Yes, I've hit target. Yay!
68,480 / 67,500
But no, I haven't got to the end of the draft. Boo.
And the end of the draft isn't where it should be - it's before. Boo. No. Yay . Um - what?
See, I always suspected that this might happen - the natural end is on the horizon. But it's not the end that I want .
But to get to the end that I want means doing a 'Ten years later....' segue. And that's just clumsy. But I can't backfill ten years just for the sake of it. And I'm certainly not doing the whole of the Trojan War. No sirree, not even a bit of it. It's been done many, many times by much better writers than me. Maybe next time, eh?
Anyway, I'm not about the war, I'm about the ones who are left behind (and if anyone says 'That's because you're a woman', I'm going to come round and slap you senseless. Just so we're clear.)
So now I have to go away and do more thinking. And my 'ead 'urts.
Oh - next up. Bin news.