So last week

Jun 17, 2007 11:41

Was mainly spent shredding papers. Loadsa the bloody things.

So, a quick recap.
Low points.

Shredding papers.

Complaints (in writing, or occasionally by screech-down-phone)to: NatWest Bank, BT, Dyson, etc.

Rain for days. Just after I'd washed a load of towels, so four days later they stank and needed washing again. (No, we don't have a dryer...)

Rain for days. Discovering leak in bedroom. Not discovering source of leak.

Constant terror at the thought of knocking over all the boxes we've brought from my aunty's house. They have breakables in 'em and I don't have anywhere to put them yet.

High points:

Big ginger cat - who turns out to be a skinny ginger cat with a huge coat - consented to come and exchange caresses while I was in the garden. He purred, too.

Villeroy and Boch. They sent me a new crystal drop, free of charge, after I broke one on a candlestick I brought home from my aunty's. I was really upset. Then really relieved. It made up (mostly) for all the complaints generated this week.

Sunday dinner with Bandit's mum and dad. They're heroes.

Finding a copy of H. Ryder Haggard's She (among other treasures) among my aunty's books.

Last but not least, and somewhat shockingly, I've caught up on my daily wordcount in Ni90. Progress on new stuff so far:

12,104 / 67,500

writing stuff, update, the maelstrom dark, cat stuff

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