It turns out that Nestle's FairTrade certification has more to it than meets the eye - or should that be less?
Apparently they're still using palm oil in their products - and it's the destruction of their home forest to produce palm oil that's done the most to drive the orang utan to the edge of extinction. So while Nestle may be doing the right thing with some of their ingredients, enough to get the certification, they're not really on the side of the angels, I reckon.
So that's it - the final straw. I'm cutting chocolate out from my diet (and if you know me, you know that's a big thing to ask!) I haven't been able to do it for the sake of my health or my figure, but it isn't about me. Not now *g*
Don't coo over the "Orang utan and hound dog" video - watch
this advert instead. Fair warning, it's a bit sick....
Edit: changed slightly as the embed video link had been taken down. You should still be able to see it.