I've had most of the afternoon to myself. It's been nice.
I spent a while in the garden, being tormented by brambles and willow herb. I downloaded a few more icons and added words to 'em, then I uploaded them again. ( I have 60 now. It's still not enough *g* )
I joined the
Wonderlands thingy that
desperance told us about. (It looks really good.)
I trawled the net for a while, but not too long, because I have this story to finish, you see.
And since then.... I've moped around like a wet weekend. Yes, I am sleepy. Yes, my back hurts. No, I don't know exactly how the story's going to end. None of this is any excuse as I've been in this state before and still got the words down. I could get them down now - in fact, I came up here with an hour to spend on the story before beloved is due back. I now have 10 minutes left.
I know exactly what's wrong. I'm pathetic. So I'm here to give myself a public telling off and to rout the forces of non-writing darkness.
Sod off, FOF demon!! I kicked you out ages ago - don't bring your slinking, stinky hide back into my house!
There. That's told it. I'm off to greet my beloved now - then I'm deserting him again to reacquaint myself with my laptop.