Hang on - where did you say we are?

May 26, 2008 02:13

In the absence of anything reasonably sane to report on the personal front and because I am wakeful...

Writing stuff!  Progress report

Bearing in mind that I only started this thing - this new thing - in this round of  
novel_in_90 as an exercise, things seem to be moving on apace.  In the wrong direction, naturally, but hey - who needs a map?

The exercise in question is to fill out - in fact to create - a background for The Mysterious Stranger from The Maelstrom Dark who still won't talk to me.  And yes, I know how truly bonkers that sounds. Especially as I can't actually finish that one until I've filled in all the gaps that are to do with him.  Which is all of him, really.

Being slightly hysterical for a while slashed productivity, but appears to have boosted it again in the resultant emotional dump slump.  (Or maybe the choice of words was right the first time.)

So now we has:

A working title:  The Latent Fires.  (Hooray!  Still not entirely sure if I like it, but I never am.  I'm hopeless at titles.  And I needed something to tag the damn thing with).

A tendency to cry when writing the latest scenes.  Whether they will have the same effect on other readers is doubtful, but after a month of writing stick figures droning to each other in limbo, any sign of emotions in peeples is welcome.  Even exciting, in an odd "I don't really do emotions, you know" sort of way.

Emotional support from beloved:  "Come and watch Phileas Fogg.  You need some froth after an afternoon of crying and killing people."

The Mysterious Stranger (who will turn up in the first chapter of The Maelstrom Dark) has finally been conceived.  At least I think he has.  He's a tricky little beggar and may decide it's not him after all....

10,000 words written so far this week.  That was a shock.

10K puts the total wordcount so far to just under 60K.  That was an even bigger shock.  So I should hit 90K in 90 days, barring further crises, or not being able to focus because of all the snivelling.

Wish me luck!

writing stuff, the latent fires

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