Title: The big dogs
lhuneldaielTeam of Choice: Real Madrid
Prompt: Authority
Pairing: n/a, Miguel Torres, Raúl, Sergio Ramos
Rating: G
Note: before Miguel joined the big Real Madrid, he played for Real Madrid Castilla, the second team.
"What's this?" Miguel frowned, looking at Raúl.
The Captain grinned and dropped the net filled with balls before his feet. "I'm giving you an important task, Castilla. You will carry the balls, and collect them after training. All of them."
"All of them?" he gulped.
"If there is one missing, you will clean my boots and polish them."
"You can't be serious." Miguel shook his head.
"He's serious," Sergio Ramos patted his back. "They did the same thing to me. Tradition, you know."
It was then Miguel realised he was a puppy who got to play with the big dogs.