Title: Reunited
lhuneldaielTeam of Choice: Argentina NT
Prompt: Down
Pairing: Fernando Gago/Ezequiel Lavezzi
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This never happened, only in my pervy mind.
“Drop ‘em, Pocho.”
Ezequiel grinned delightfully as he entered the completely dark hotel room. Gago. The midfielder had been waiting for him in their room, lights switched off.
“Drop what?” Ezequiel said innocently, “My bags?”
“And your pants, while you’re at it.”
“Lights on?”
“Off. My tongue remembers every inch of you.”
Ezequiel inhaled deeply as he walked up to Gago. His rapidly hardening cock throbbed in his pants and he quickly undid them. “It’s been months... but I remember your tongue, Fernando.”
“You better,” Gago grinned in the dark. “Now let me go down on you like a whore.”