Title: Obligation
great_whatsitTeam of Choice: OGC Nice
Prompt: Need
Characters: Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Jose Mourinho
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Lies.
"It's important, Zlatan. For the team."
Zlatan looked at him seriously, pushing his hair carefully behind both ears. "Well, if it's for the team."
Jose nodded curtly and relaxed, mentally crossing "Zlatan" off his to-do list for the day and moving on toward "Adriano," only to have his reverie interrupted by a carefully cleared throat.
"If it's for the team, and you say 'please.'" Zlatan lifted his chin imperiously and folded his arms across his chest, waiting expectantly.
Jose sighed. (Inwardly. He never sighed outwardly, that was showing weakness.) He steeled himself. "Zlatan. Please cut your hair."
Zlatan beamed.
Title: Ante
great_whatsitTeam of Choice: OGC Nice
Prompt: Need
Characters: Bobo Vieri, Andriy Shevchenko
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Lies.
Note: Prompted by the bizarre news that Bobo and Sheva have become poker buddies.
Andriy peered tentatively into the room, unable to stop himself waving the smoke away from in front of his eyes. Through the haze he saw his host, beaming at him from under a green visor, cigar clamped between his teeth.
"Andriy!" Bobo boomed, waving him into the room. "I hope you brought your checkbook, my friend. I'm feelin' it tonight!"
Even as he walked toward the table, Andriy silently cursed the day Abramovich had introduced him to poker. Hadn't he been happier before, when all he did was play football and wait to play football? Hadn't he?
Bobo gestured impatiently. Andriy sat down.