four drabbles; team of choice: acf fiorentina

Jul 06, 2008 11:40

Title: Paris
Author: caydelaura
Team of choice: ACF Fiorentina
Prompt: Drama
Pairing: Hugo Lloris/Ederson
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not true

It had been some day in summer, Eder remembers. He's angry with himself for not recalling what day, he's not even sure what month, but it was in summer that Hugo took him to Paris for the first time.

They did all the touristy things - which was just right, Hugo said, since he himself was treated like a tourist with his Southern accent, and he smiled at that.

Now Eder watches his lover, his love, and the light that is coming in through the drapes is like the one on that first night.

Hugo knows my heart, Eder thinks.

Title: Blessings
Author: caydelaura
Team of choice: ACF Fiorentina
Prompt: Drama
Character: Ederson
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not true

Before he'd left for that country they had never seen themselves, before he left for good and with promise and hopes and whatever else the adults called it, Eder's cousins had made him a cassette on which they had recorded themselves. Mostly, they giggled, and started their sentences with "Remember when…" and "We know you will".

So it came to be that the first thing Eder bought upon touching down in that strange continent, in this country that seduced you with words if you let it, was a walkman, of all things.

He keeps this cassette with blessings come true.

Title: Gone
Author: caydelaura
Team of choice: ACF Fiorentina
Prompt: Drama
Pairing: Andrea Pirlo/Rui Costa (sort of)
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not true

It's a warm, a heavy night, and the black (his mother always said it was dark blue, darker than the sea) that comes in through the window and fills the room seems to be the grandest of colours he has ever seen.

Andrea rinses his glass in the bathroom sink, and laughs. It's very quiet here, he thinks, even with me laughing.

They'd been to this hotel so often. Andrea knows, remembers. But now he's alone, and what was once a great get-away under the Tuscan sun (he laughs again, it's so cliché) is nothing more but a room now.

Title: Priorities
Author: caydelaura
Team of choice: AFC Fiorentina
Prompt: Drama
Pairing: Hugo Lloris/Ederson
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not true

By mistake (and nostalgia, as Hugo helpfully points out with a poke to the ribs and a barely suppressed smile), Eder has picked up a black-and-white film at the drugstore, and as he fumbles to put it into his camera ("You never get the results you want with the new ones!"), Hugo drapes himself over his side and mumbles into his neck, "I love you for everything you do, don't you ever change."

Eder blushes (only Hugo makes him), and forgets about his camera as he cups Hugo's face and kisses him gently on his forehead, his nose, his lips.

character: andrea pirlo, prompt: drama, character: hugo lloris, character: rui costa, author: caydelaura, team of choice: fiorentina, character: ederson

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