Title: Memories (I lose at titles)
yanks02Team of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Beginnings
Pairing (if needed): Ruud van Nistelrooy/Cristiano Ronaldo
Rating: Er. PG? I don't usually write anything other than NC-17 heh.
Ruud will always remember the first time he fell in love with him. He can never remember whether it was the goofy hairstyle, the wide smile full of crooked teeth, the atrocious coloured sweater, or the hesitant “Ru..Ruud?” with that accent that made him love him. Three years later, lying in bed with a sweaty body nuzzled on top of him, he tries to remember that time, not wanting to lose it amongst other memories as he feels the slight movement and the slurred, “R’ud?” and smiles as he realizes he’ll never understand why he fell, only that he did.
And for bonus points *giggles* I have to include this picture. I have it cemented in my brain because it's such utter utter love.