Title: Now
great_whatsit Team of choice: OGC Nice
Prompt: [thirty-three]
Pairing: Ederson/Hugo Lloris
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Lies.
Hands and mouth and hips and thighs.
Those were the only things Hugo registered; the only things that mattered. (The sun feels different here. Warmer, closer.) He rose against Eder, digging his nails into his back and pleading with his body, asking for relief. (He loves this, more than anything. This secret time, totally alone.) Wrapped around Eder, he clung for all they were was worth; begged with his hips, telling Eder how he needed him. (If only he could stay on this beach, in this moment, forever.)
Hugo made that noise he always made, and twisted like he always did.