Title: Stranger Notions
labyrinthicallyTeam of Choice: AS Roma
Prompt: Touch
Pairing: Sébastien Frey/Adrian Mutu
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: lies/falsities
Note: Sometimes Sébastien Frey has really frightening eccentric facial hair.
They were languid and relaxed more than anything, not thinking, not recognizing the stress of everything that had happened and everything they still had to face. Slow movements, slow touches, Sébastien’s hand unbuttoning his shirt and sliding onto his chest, Adrian’s moving to the back of Séba’s neck and pulling him closer. Adrian shuddered at the stubble dragging across his jaw as Sébastian found his mouth. He brought his hand up to Séba’s face, running his thumb over the cheekbone, following the strange lines on Séba’s jaw. He paused, leaning back, causing Sébastien to raise an eyebrow.
“Shave your face.”
Title: Sleeping Under Sunshine
labyrinthicallyTeam of Choice: AS Roma
Prompt: Touch
Pairing: Hugo Lloris/Ederson
Rating: G
Disclaimer: lies/falsities
Hugo was leaning against the headboard, concentrating on the book in his hands. Eder lay beside him, sleepily regarding the other man and ignoring the quiet drone of the television across the room. He lifted his hand to delicately finger the bracelet encircling Hugo’s wrist, gently pulling it toward him to better examine it.
“Stop that,” Hugo said, mouth caught between a smile and a frown, “I’m trying to read.”
He looked down at his book, a blush spreading across his face as he blinked, unable to make sense of any of the words. Eder leaned over, kissed his wrist.