Title: Morning
great_whatsit Team of choice: Inter
Prompt: Touch
Pairing: Sebastien Frey/Matteo Sereni
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Lies.
Note: Some KeeperTP for
In the morning, Sebastien was always embarrassed. Embarrassed by the shameless way he responded to Matteo, embarrassed by the fact that it took only a look to strip him of his self-control. Embarrassed at the way he begged; embarrassed at the things he promised, if only Matteo would touch him, just there.
Alone in the predawn silence, Sebastien berated himself and resolved (over and over again) to end it, once and for all. And then Matteo's eyes would open, and the bed would shift; a voice would sound in Sebastien's ear, and he would be helpless all over again.