Five Drabbles; Team of Choice OGC Nice

May 10, 2008 16:52

Title: Missing
Author: great_whatsit
Team of choice: OGC Nice
Prompt: Favorite
Pairing: Ederson/Hugo Lloris
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Lies.
Note: Four for roadtoharmony. Thank you for the prompting, hope you're surviving the weekend.

Watching Hugo sleep, sprawled across their bed, Eder remembers how things were at the start, and how shy Hugo once was. Feeling Hugo's legs slide open for him before his hands ever urge them apart, Eder remembers how ashamed Hugo used to be of what they did, of what he wanted. Watching Hugo's eyes widen, listening to his breathless whine, Eder remembers the first time and suddenly feels impossibly old.

Jogging alone, Eder hears Hugo laugh, and turns in time to watch his eyes crinkle as he grins. Eder's stomach knots, and he thinks about how much it hurts to be leaving.

Title: Summer
Author: great_whatsit
Team of choice: OGC Nice
Prompt: Favorite
Pairing: Pippo Inzaghi/Christian Vieri
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Lies.

Pippo opened his eyes with effort, squinting against the sun. "It looks ridiculous. I told you that."

Bobo shielded his eyes with a hand that, moments before, had been carefully monitoring the ridge in his hair. He stared in disbelief. "How can you say that? You know nothing about style. Nothing."

Pippo closed his eyes and laughed long and loud, without interrupting his very focused sunbathing. Catching his breath, he gave Bobo another glance, registering the pout before he even saw it.

He gave a long-suffering groan and laid back, speaking almost to himself. "I like it long."

Title: Approval
Author: great_whatsit
Team of choice: OGC Nice
Prompt: Favorite
Character: Dejan Stankovic
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Lies.

The cheap, threadbare carpet bore into his knees; he was sure the woven rows had been tattooed into his skin, but he knew better than to move again. So he waited.

He heard the door open behind him. Footsteps approached, stopping just outside his field of vision. He stopped breathing, clenching his jaw to keep from moaning.

"Very good, Dejan." He could almost hear the mocking little smile that accompanied the words, but then an indulgent hand landed on the nape of his neck, and he forget everything else.

He lowered his chin, arching into that faint touch, wordlessly pleading for more.

Title: Inevitability
Author: great_whatsit
Team of choice: OGC Nice
Prompt: Favorite
Pairing: Matteo Sereni/Sebastien Frey
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Lies.

Playing against Matteo was difficult for Sebastien.

The way he commanded his penalty area, his roars (approval or rage), the confidence that poured off him. Even during the moments when Sebastien was able to (had to) tear his attention away from the other end of the pitch, Matteo was there, stalking the edges of his mind. Sometimes (often), he'd feel his body start to move instinctively, trying to arrange itself (please) in response to Matteo's distant demands.

It never lasted long when they were together. It was ferocious and inevitable, and Sebastien would finger the bruises, dreaming of him for weeks afterward.

Title: Replay
Author: great_whatsit
Team of choice: OGC Nice
Prompt: Favorite
Pairing: Luis Jimenez/Patrick Vieira
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Lies.
Note: For pints. DAMN YOU!

Again. The boy was trying to climb him again. Patrick grimaced and tried to ignore the snickers of teammates as he backed away in a near-panic, gripping the attacking hips (trying not to notice how right they felt under his hands) to keep them from his. Luis squirmed and made aggressively unsubtle noises, making them the center of attention as he forced Patrick to retreat further.

He finally succeeded in breaking Patrick's (mostly token by now) grip and wrapped himself around the Frenchman, unleashing his dimples as Patrick tried unsuccessfully to force his face into an expression of disapproval.

prompt: favorite, character: patrick vieira, character: christian vieri, character: sebastien frey, team of choice: ogc nice, character: filippo inzaghi, character: ederson, character: dejan stankovic, author: great_whatsit, character: hugo lloris, character: matteo sereni, character: luis jimenez

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