Title: Unsaid Things
txorakeriakTeam of Choice: Liverpool FC
Prompt: Creative
Characters: Martín Demichelis, José Ernesto Sosa
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I'm a lying bastard with a weird imagination.
"... and here's Sosa, the youngster from Bayern's creative department, with another bad pass..."
Wordlessly, Martín grabbed the remote and switched off the television.
"I was watching that."
"I know."
The defender had barely left the room as he was spun around and slammed into the wall. He could feel José's hot breath on his cheek, see the anger in his eyes.
Finally, the younger man pulled away, shame written all over his face as he struggled for an apology.
"Why?" he whispered eventually, not knowing what else to say.
Instead of a reply, Micho pulled him into a hug.