Title: Friends or More
benjiaminTeam of Choice: Juventus
Prompt: Beginnings
Pairing (if needed): Pavel Nedved/Alessandro Del Piero
Rating: PG-13
Alex has never come across the meaning of the real nature of his relationship with Pavel Nedved. But now that they were sharing the same room and that he had woke up between the other arms,his head on the blonde’s chest,he had to think about it.
Was it only friendship? Maybe not... They had always been good mates and that was strange really, considering how different they were in and out of the pitch, but never before he had felt so full of affection, never sensed such tranquillity never been so protected and happy as right now.
Was it love?
Title: Lamb in a field of wolves
benjiaminTeam of Choice: Juventus
Prompt: Beginnings
Pairing (if needed): Pavel Nedved/Alessandro Del Piero
Rating :PG
I’m waching him training with Mauro. He’s always ready to laugh and joke, a smile and a word of comfort for everyone - his state of mind is not important. But this season will be hard for him.
A lamb in a field of wolves.
It will require courage and strength but also agonistic fury and
you’ll have to pull it out, Ale, ore end up broken.
Class and skills, and you have plenty, won’t be enough, not on these forbidden pitches where every game will be a war.
But one way or another, I know that you will make it.
Title: Tears
benjiaminTeam of Choice: Juventus
Prompt: Beginnings
Pairing (if needed): Pavel Nedved/Alessandro Del Piero
I’ve found you, all alone, huddled in a corner of the field.
“Is something wrong?"
"No, nothing... why do you ask?"
“’Cause you are crying and you aren’t even aware of that..."
Hot tears on your face.I have never seen you cry and it hurts terribly.
"Oh, Am I ? Don’t worry, it will pass…"
I brush your wet cheeks with my fingertips.
"Ale..." you observe me in silence.
"Don’t worry… whatever would happen we’ll face it together. Always. I’m not going anywhere.I am here "
“I know, Pavel "
And your smile is so beautiful that warms my heart.
Title: Perfection
benjiaminTeam of Choice: Juventus
Prompt: Beginnings
Pairing (if needed): Francesco Totti/Alessandro Del Piero
It all began in a dressing room - a hidden angle from prying eyes - where lips joined for the first time dimming their looks and leaving them breathless. Francesco had always desired the Juve captain. The brunette was so pretty and naive at times that the romanista was nearly tempted to leave everything behind and have him all to himself, like now, while he was intent to kiss that luscious skin, devouring that full lips, touching that lithe body, pounding harder inside of him.
Francesco knew he was not perfection, but with Alessandro Del Piero he believed to catch it up.
Title: A really bad dream
benjiaminTeam of Choice: Juventus
Prompt: Beginnings
Pairing (if needed): Francesco Totti/Alessandro Del Piero
“Fra, I’ve just done the test …"
"and… any good news?"
"Wonderful news!" Ale exclaimed excitedly "I’m pregnant, we’re going to have a baby!"
Francesco was jolted out from bed by the hight pitched screaming of Alessa.
"Ale… something wrong?"
"Just a bad dream...a NIGHTMARE"
"About what…"
"I’ve dreamed you got me pregnant..."
"Ale, men can’t get pregnant"
“I know! You don’t have to tell me! … considering the facility you succeed to impregnate your wife...I need water... "
"Thinking about it… there’s a first time for everything and I’d love for them to have your eyes"
A/N This is my first try at writing drabbles :)
A big thanks goes to my beta-reader,
zimena : thank you so much honey, these little one are for you ;)