Particular, Team of Choice: Germany

Mar 18, 2008 17:29


Team of Choice: Germany
Title: Particular
Pairing: Manuel Neuer/Jens Lehmann, Jens Lehmann/Freddie Ljungberg
Prompt: bear/bare
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: All lies and no truth.


Manuel doesn’t like the particular expression which always alights Jens’ face at the
sound of a particular voice over the phone; a voice he’ll invariably greet with a “Hej!“

Or rather: Manuel adores the expression, but hates the fact that he’s been unable to
elicit it himself. People always say how Manuel is a little sunshine, someone who’ll
make anyone smile with his natural charm. He prides himself in being a very social
guy, and he’s been getting along great in the National Team.

He hates this particular feeling because he knows it for what it is: bare jealousy.

character: manuel neuer, character: jens lehmann, character: freddie ljungberg, team of choice: germany, author: kisuuna, prompt: bear/bare

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