one drabble (team of choice: arsenal)

Jan 25, 2008 23:56

Title: Horns
Author: Abby (louis_quatorze/4or5paragraphs)
Team of choice: Arsenal
Prompt: Secrets
Characters: Cesc Fabregas/Philippe Senderos
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Completely and totally untrue.

Cesc isn't geared for monogamy. He told Philippe that, nervously, fearing his reaction, but Phil had just shrugged in that way he did and didn't seem offended at all. They'd worked out rules to follow- Cesc has to tell Phil who he's with, and no being with anyone else when Phil is around. Easy. Cesc loves Phil's understanding.

Phil doesn't tell Cesc about the thrill he gets hearing about it. How his cock hardens as soon as Cesc says a name. The images that make him come when Cesc hangs up. He thinks about telling him, but fears his reaction.

author: louis_quatorze, character: philippe senderos, prompt: secrets, character: cesc fabregas, team of choice: arsenal

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