Title: Blush
lhuneldaielTeam of Choice: Real Madrid
Prompt: Dirty
Pairing: Gonzalo Higuaín/Fernando Gago
Rating: PG-13
"A woman walks into the doctor's office…" Fernando started.
Sergio and Miguel leaned in, smirking. Gonzalo sighed, shook his head and gazed out of the window of the moving bus, quickly fitting the earplugs of his iPod into his ears.
He could feel Miguel shaking with laughter beside him, nudging his side, and he smiled politely.
Gago's jokes always made him blush. Come to think of it, Gago made him blush. Somehow always getting into his pants, even though he tried to resist him. Fernando made Gonzalo blush, on an entirely different level than the naughty jokes he was telling.