Something silly I wrote during the Liverpool/Chelsea match earlier.
Title: Go where, gaffer?
yanks02Team of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Go
Character: Steven Gerrard, Rafa Benitez
Rating: G
Steven wipes the sweat off his forehead, hearing the "GERRARD, GERRARD" in a voice near the sidelines. He looks over, nodding to Rafa and seeing the flail of hands, something that looks like a hipthrust, and a shuffle of feet that reminds him of the way Rio dances.
There's a final leg kick and Steven nods, turning back to the game and hearing "STEVIE?!?", seeing Xabi standing there with a confused look. "What does he want us to do?"
Steven jogs by him, "I have no idea. That last sign looked like he wanted us to climb up some stairs."