Title: Go where, gaffer?; Team of Choice: Manchester United

Aug 19, 2007 13:25

Something silly I wrote during the Liverpool/Chelsea match earlier.

Title: Go where, gaffer?
Author: yanks02
Team of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Go
Character: Steven Gerrard, Rafa Benitez
Rating: G

Steven wipes the sweat off his forehead, hearing the "GERRARD, GERRARD" in a voice near the sidelines. He looks over, nodding to Rafa and seeing the flail of hands, something that looks like a hipthrust, and a shuffle of feet that reminds him of the way Rio dances.

There's a final leg kick and Steven nods, turning back to the game and hearing "STEVIE?!?", seeing Xabi standing there with a confused look. "What does he want us to do?"

Steven jogs by him, "I have no idea. That last sign looked like he wanted us to climb up some stairs."

prompt: go, character: steven gerrard, author: yanks02, team of choice: manchester united

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