Title: Death (By Lack Of Bollocks)
clippageTeam of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Go
Pairing: Cristiano Ronaldo/Ruud van Nistelrooy
Rating: PG
There’s sand and prickly dried grass under his feet. The combination isn’t entirely unpleasant, and certainly isn’t the reason that his stomach is attempting to do quadruple backflips while simultaneously tying itself into tiny, excruciating knots.
“Maaaaaaaaaaadoooooo!” The sound echos, and Ruud chances a look down. He wishes instantly that he hadn’t. The cliff is straight down, forty feet of rock and empty space.
“Mado, I count!” Ruud backs up, and tells himself to grow a pair.
“ONE. TWO. THREE-GO-AMADO!” Ruud takes the leap, painfully weightless, and hits the water, hard.
He surfaces, halfway to “Never-” when Cris says, “AGAIN!”
Title: One
clippageTeam of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Go
Pairing: Ruud van Nistelrooy/Cristiano Ronaldo
Rating: R/NC-17
Ruud rarely gives more than a one-word command while they’re playing unless there’s something very specific he wants him to do, or when he wants to remind Cristiano that they’re playing because Ruud wants to, because it makes Ruud happy, gets Ruud off.
These are lies, Cristiano knows this. The times when he gets scared, he only learns how much more he can trust Ruud, whether it’s to untie him when everything’s done, or to know when to loosen the tie around his throat.
So he listens to the ‘come’, the ‘go’, the ‘now’ and waits for the unspoken ‘stay’.
Title: Madeira
clippageTeam of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Go
Characters: Cristiano Ronaldo, Maria dos Santos Aviero (Mother)
Rating: G
She wasn’t ready for him. He was a surprise, simply put, long after she’d considered having another child. Her youngest was already ten by then, bringing home projects and boyfriends.
She wasn’t sure she could handle another boy, trying to make ends meet, working hard, picking up extra hours, leaving him to his own devices in the streets with boys twice his age.
She still wasn’t ready for him to grow up when he came home, football under his arm, and told her that he had a chance to go play, to really play, but he’d have to leave Madeira.