Title: Excuses (In Point)
clippageTeam of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Go
Pairing: John Terry/Frank Lampard (Frank Lampard/Elen Rives too, but.)
Rating: PG
He had the answers and explanations in his head, and it all made sense. The ‘Elen said she’s leaving. I can’t just let her take my girls away.’ coupled with ‘I’ve been playing like shit for two seasons now.’ The steady, ‘I’m not in it for too much longer, and after I finish, I’m going to take the girls and come back here. I’m not selling the house. I’ll be back.’
He walks into to the lockers and steels himself, but he doesn’t need to. John looks up at him, tired, looks as old as Frank feels, and says, “Go.”
Title: (No) Tanlines
clippageTeam of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Go
Pairing: John Terry/Toni Poole (YES, HET!)
Rating: R
John stops in the kitchen to re-fill his water glass, the kids playing in the living room. He glances out the window at the pool, and, oh. That’s. Toni, stretched out on a pool chair, gathering sun from all the right angles. Glistening, wet from the pool or the heat. He follows the line up, up to her thighs, the loose ties on her bikini bottom, up the curve of her waist to her breasts, soft, bare and gathering sun, he wants to go-
“Daddy?” He doesn’t look down, but, “Go play, baby. Daddy will...be there. In a minute.”
Title: Two Plus Two
clippageTeam of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Go
Pairing: John Terry/Toni Poole
Rating: G
“Go on.”
It’s whispered, Toni smiling and easing Summer down into his arms as John sits back in the hospital rocking chair. He’d urged her not to get up, not to try and walk, but she was insistent that a few steps wouldn’t hurt her, and if they did, she wouldn’t feel it. John feels Summer even through the blanket as she twists and wrinkles up her fists, making a noise and finally, settling.
He’s overwhelmed already, but when Toni walks over, slowly and carefully, and nuzzles Georgie down against his other arm, he thinks his heart might burst open.
Title: Off To See
clippageTeam of Choice: Manchester United
Prompt: Go
Characters: Frank Lampard, Luna Lampard
Rating: G
By the time Frank gets home from training, all he wants to do is come in, get a drink, and lie down for a little while. He wants to take another shower to get all the extra dirt out of his hair from the completely outrageous new stretch they’re trying to get the players to do. He wants to enjoy some peace and quiet because John just wouldn’t shut up. He wants tea.
But when Luna toddles over with her lion backpack and her shoes tied on the wrong feet, and asks “Can go zoo, da?”, he can hardly say no.