Apr 06, 2005 09:02
Read a post and it got me thinking of a lot of things. I've had so many great days in my life, but I gotta say that the top four are the two days Jen told me she was pregnant and the days I got to hold my sons for the first time. I can't imagine my life without them in it (despite not having them physically around all the time). I guess until you have them, you really never know how your life will change.
Last night over pizza, I told Kurt about when Cal was born. See, he was early and had a lot of troubles after he was born. I don't think I slept those two weeks. I know we had games, but I can't remember any of 'em. Jen and I were at the hospital all the time. The hospital staff was amazingly kind to all the parents there with kids in the neonatal unit. When he was able to come home.... Cal's had to be stronger already in his life than I'll ever have to be.
And Nolan. He's just the opposite. He arrived on the due date; slept through the night; never gave us a moment of trouble. They are both perfect to me.
I got up last night and watched them sleep. I sat in their room for a bit listening to them sleep; it's the most peaceful sound I've ever heard.